Thursday, January 9, 2020

Appreciating the Corn Tortilla

If you want to get my attention at the grocery store, you have three options:

1) Put up a big sign that says SALE.

2) Place the item prominently near the check-out.

3) Put it next to something I am likely to buy.

This third option is how I came to buy some corn tortillas, which I was convinced I did not like.  For years we’ve been a flour tortilla family.

I’d already had two negative experiences with corn tortillas.  The first was in New York at a very bad Mexican restaurant, where the corn tortillas tasted like cardboard.  The second was a grocery store purchase of crispy taco shells, which shattered when I tried to stuff them.  My fault all the way, but it took me years to change my mind.

I was shopping in a big box store, and flour tortillas were on my list. Eventually I found stacks of them alongside packages of mini corn tortillas, about 3 inches in diameter.  A bag of 60 cost $1.50.  How could I go wrong?

I made Bart’s favorite lunch--flour tortillas with melted cheese, black beans, hummus and salsa—but substituted corn tortillas instead.  He noticed the difference…and asked for seconds.  Now he won’t eat flour tortillas because, he says, “They have no taste.” 
Corn Tortillas with Cheese, Beans, Hummus and Salsa – serves 1 
3 3-inch-across corn tortillas or 2 6-inch-across tortillas
1/4 cup grated cheddar or Monterey Jack cheese (or more if preferred)
2-3 tablespoons cooked beans
1-2 tablespoons hummus
1-2 teaspoons salsa 
Begin heating 3 small tortillas or 1 larger tortilla in a dry, hot frying pan. After 30 seconds, flip over the tortilla(s) for another 30 seconds.  Continue a few more times until some light brown spots appear, indicating the tortilla(s) have begun to get crisp. Add some grated cheese, put a lid over the frying pan and heat for about 15 seconds, or until the cheese melts.  Transfer the tortilla(s) to a plate and then add some beans, hummus and salsa.  Serve at once, either flat or gently folded in half.
                         For easy recipes, order "Help! My Apartment Has a Kitchen!"

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