Saturday, May 2, 2020

Raiding-Your-Vegetable-Bin Stir-Fry

Yesterday was a super-busy day, and by 5 pm I still hadn’t figured out what we would be having for dinner.  I thought about the package of chicken tenders in the freezer.  Boring!  Then I looked in the vegetable bin and saw bok choy, onions, mushrooms, an orange bell pepper and garlic.  What more did I need? 

Fortunately I had a suitable recipe.  The dish is called Chinese Chicken with Peanuts.  Unfortunately I had no peanuts, but I did have peanut oil.  Out came the chicken tenders (partially defrosted in the microwave), and an hour later dinner was ready.

Check your vegetable bin.  You never know what you bought and forgot. 
Raiding-Your-Vegetable-Bin Stir-Fry – serves 4 (adapted from "HELP! My Apartment Has a Kitchen!") 
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 teaspoon vinegar (any kind)
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1/4 teaspoon sugar
3/4 pound chicken tenders or 2 boneless breast halves (about 10 ounces)
1 medium onion, roughly chopped
2-3 large bok choy leaves, cut into 1/4-inch slices
1 bell pepper, cut into thin slices
3-4 mushrooms, cut into thin slices
1 teaspoon chopped garlic
2 teaspoons peanut or canola oil (divided use)
1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes (or less if you don’t like spicy food)
1/4 cup orange juice
1 tablespoon ketchup
Cooked rice (optional) 
Combine the soy sauce, vinegar, ginger and sugar in a medium-size bowl and set aside. 
Cut the chicken into strips 1/4-inch wide and 1-2 inches long.  Add to the bowl and marinate for at least 10 minutes. 
Begin heating 1 teaspoon oil in a large wok or frying pan over high heat.  Add the onion and bok choy and stir-fry for 3 minutes, or until the vegetables start to soften.  Add the bell pepper, mushrooms and garlic and stir-fry for 2 minutes, or until the bell pepper and mushrooms begin to soften.  Transfer the vegetables to a large plate while you cook the chicken. 
Begin heating 1 teaspoon oil in the wok or frying pan.  Add the red pepper flakes, stir briefly and then add the chicken and marinade.  Stir-fry the chicken for about 5 minutes, turning regularly so that it is fully cooked.  Cut a piece in half to make sure it is fully cooked, which means white on the inside, not pink.  Cook another minute or two if there are any signs of pink. 
Add the orange juice and ketchup and stir to incorporate.  Add the cooked vegetables and stir-fry until the vegetables are hot.  Transfer the stir-fry to a large bowl and serve.  Rice would make a good side dish.
                         For more recipes, order "Help! My Apartment Has a Kitchen!"

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