Saturday, August 3, 2019

If Speed to the Table Is the Issue...

When I need to get dinner on the table in 20 minutes, the biggest question is what part of the meal is going to suffer.  Most pastas and white rice are ready in 20 minutes.  Grilled, pan-fried or stir-fried meat and fish can go from raw to cooked in 10 minutes, although you can forget about roasts—unless you are just reheating them.

The big challenge is the fresh vegetable.  The absolute easiest is broccoli.  Prep time is quick.
  Cut into florets, put them in a pot, add boiling water and cook for 5 minutes. Drain and serve.

Asparagus is also an option.  Rinse the spears, snap off about 3 inches of the tough end and put them in a large pot or frying pan. Cover with boiling water and cook for 2-3 minutes, depending on how thick they are.  They are done when a knife easily pierces the flesh.  Drain and serve.

Snow peas cook in 2 minutes, but the prep requires pulling off the side strings—a lengthy process if you have a lot of them.  The same with sugar snap peas, which are puffier but also have strings.  However, they do cook in 2-3 minutes.

Consider fresh tomatoes as a side dish.  Just wash, dry and slice them. What could taste better?

            For easy recipes, order "Help! My Apartment Has a Kitchen!" 

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